Remain as Anonymous/Private as Possible

We deeply care about your privacy and secure. Several websites on the internet track you and store your personal information. We do not. We collect only information that’s vital for your purchase or inquiry. The information is highly encrypted and store securely and used only for your purchase/inquiry. Nothing else. After your order is complete all information about you/your order is completely erased from our server. You can read more on our privacy policy page.

Protect your privacy with a VPN tunnel!

For the best in private internet browsing, use a service like Private Internet Access. Private Internet Access VPN SERVICE encrypts your connection and provides you with an anonymous IP to protect your privacy. This service is easy to use and is inexpensive. For $40 bucks a year you get private browsing for multiple devices, including mobile devices.

Click here for more on Private Internet Access

Hide Your IP Address

Protect your privacy with a VPN tunnel and Proxy Server! Hide your IP to block unwanted exposure and data leaks. IP cloak masks your real IP address with anonymous IP addresses, effectively keeping websites and internet services from tracking your web browsing habits, monitoring what you search for, and discovering your geographic location.

Go to privacy internet access

Search Anonymously

check out or DuckDuckGo is a general purpose search engine that is intended to be your starting place when searching the Internet. Use it to get way more instant answers, way less spam and real privacy. DuckDuckGo Goodies

Ixquick does NOT collect or share ANY personal information! Nada. Zilch. Nothing. Ixquick search results are more comprehensive and more accurate than other search engines. About

Use Secure and Highly Encrypted Email

If you constantly purchase drugs online, we highly recommend you use Proton Mail not only because it is free but also because it highly secure, encrypted and protects your privacy.